Focus Point Shape

International Online Art Gallery – juried online art competititons




Because I am an artist I can say this – many artists I know behave like a dog chasing it’s tale. Successful artists on the other hand – beat to a different drummer.

Following the herd in art is the kiss of career death.

Our newsletter articles are written with a certain sardonic spin because… until you can laugh at yourself… you won’t make any progress. Nothing is more borish to the buyer, the museum curator, art consultant, juror… than an artist whose ego won’t fit inside a semi trailer.

The ability to produce art is a gift.

As with any gift… until an artist learns how to strategically ‘give’ it away… and get paid at the same time… well that is what our newsletter articles talk about.

We are happy to see all over the internet Artists sharing their work. We are also dismayed that so many still feel… that they have to post every single piece of work…under the delusion that by showing their full inventory… someone will magically appear, take them by the hand and make them a success. NOT.

Successful careers don’t ‘work’ that way. A Ferrari engine sitting in a display window will not pull a car owner into the showroom… willing to build a car around it. Unless that car owner is a teenage boy with a lustful heart and no money in his pockets. In short… displaying one’s art for the fun of it… is admirable. But it won’t pay the rent.

I have been there. I know. You finish a painting and it just looks like a jewel. You want everyone to see it. And you post it. And what response do you get? ‘Oh, it’s so nice.’

Artists must move the response to their work from ‘nice’ to “I just have to have that painting.”

That said… as long as you are going to post your work on the Net… post it where it has a chance of really working for you.

This newsletter… is about how artists can generate… “I just have to have that painting.”

Success in any career is a mindset.

‘The Game of Thrones’ a wildly popular TV series presents an unadorned, bold and brash success mindset. We do not advocate laying siege to the museums or holding an art consultant in a dungeon until they agree to marry their offspring to your children.

But we do advocate… a mindset of… “I am worth a lot more than FREE.”

If you have reached a level of maturity then it is time… to start directing your career to the next level.

Focus Point Shape International Online Gallery opportunities and competitions give you a chance to show us … what you can do. And it gives us a chance to find out who you are. Today you are a stranger… a face in the crowd. Tomorrow… you could be a household name. We have built the gallery to help you take the next 1st step.

Movers and Shakers of the art world are always looking for new talent. And we communicate with them everyday.

These competitions give us both…you and Focus Point & Shape International Online Art Gallery… a look
at your level of skill with your craft.

That way… our Jurors can suggest steps to take you to the next level.

The only question you really have to ask yourself is… ‘do you REALLY want to get to the next level?’

Our newsletter may present some marketing ideas that you find ‘out of the box… or disturbing’

Remember – the wake of a passing ocean liner…is a lot more ‘disturbing’ than the wake of a dingy. Are you dingy… or ocean liner?

Best Regards,
curator –

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